Researchers already know that excess body fat can increase the risk of diabetes, but a new study shows that one form of fat, in particular — the “invisible” one that accumulates around organs and intestines — can heighten this risk more than seven times, at least in women. The fat that accumulates around the organs
If you’ve been in the diet circle for a while, you know that the number one weight loss rule has always been this: Cut carbs. In the Nineties, the Atkins diet was all the rage – now we’ve got Keto. Both of these popular diets preach low-carb, the apparent weight-loss key. But are there harmful
Nutrition is at the core of health management. Without good nutrition, people face a much greater risk of developing health problems. In a new report, the World Health Organization urge all health services to place nutrition guidelines front and center going forward. A new WHO report stresses the importance of appropriate nutrition related healthcare and
People who follow the ketogenic, or keto, diet eat high amounts of fat, moderate amounts of protein, and minimal amounts of carbohydrates. Some evidence suggests that following this diet can affect cholesterol levels. Specifically, the keto diet’s daily allowances for fat, protein, and carbohydrates are as follows: fat: 55–60% of the day’s total macronutrients protein: Follow Us On Facebook: ⇨ ⇨Tools and ingredients: Olive Oil Sprayer : Food Peeler: Colorful Measuring Spoons: if you’re looking for exciting new easy vegan meals check out these 13 healthy vegan recipes for weight loss to Include in Your plant based and Vegan Diet. These are easy recipes anyone